Podcasts & Radio
Science is knowledge worth spreading. I enjoy helping reporters and bloggers share the state of the art. Please contact me for interviews, expert opinions, and press releases on my latest findings.
Santé Mentalité Online Radio Podcast -
Culture and Diversity
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) "Health in Action" Podcast - A Supportive Environment Can Improve Refugees’ Mental Health
OsRadio 104.6 Podcast - Neue Studie zum Autismus [New Study on Autism]
OsRadio 104.6 Regional News - Neue Autismus-Studie an der Universität Osnabrück [New Autism Study at the University of Osnabrück]
OsRadio 104.6 Podcast - Autismus - Was Ist das Eigentlich? [Autism - What Is It?]